The 2 updates:
(I) Our survey is currently being disseminated in Kenya! Many thanks to Professor Tavneet Suri and her research team's help as well Rachel Hall-Clifford's feedback. We look forward to the findings.
(II) Kudos to Guy, we have a demo up and running! It's still work-in-progress but we've cleared the first milestone we set for ourselves.
The 2 themes during this week's meeting:
(I) Safety - My Kenyan friends in the States kindly took our survey. Their main concern was how we would regulate the authencity of the posts. We decided that we would offer users guidelines of some "best practices", e.g. meet at a public place, bring a friend with you etc. Since we are unlike e-Bay that acts as a medium for market clearance, we don't need a similar buyer protection scheme. Instead we will adopt "terms and conditions" and "disclaimers" similar to Craigslist.
(II) Accuracy - To increase the precision of the system understanding the users' voice input, we thought of two solutions: (a) Back-end: building a feedback loop into the system, such that the system can compare the confidence levels of the users' input with results of prior users' input. (b) Front-end: structuring the way user input is received. Instead of 4 keywords, ask for users' preferences e.g. brand, model, year, color, price etc. This would reduce both the likelihood of users saying keywords that the system may not recognise, and the grammar needed for each category.