Groups directory

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Groupsort iconManagerSubscribersDescriptionSubscribe
Assured Labor (Sloan)admin12The Assured Labor project blogsubscribe
Beehiveadmin12The Beehive blogsubscribe
CIDRZ (Dimagi)admin6The CIDRZ project blogsubscribe
Disaster Management (CRS)admin8The Disaster Management project blogsubscribe
Free Press (HananTek)admin8The Free Press project blogsubscribe
IRD (PATH)admin9The IRD project blogsubscribe
Mosoko (Nokia)admin13The Mosoko project blogsubscribe
Peopleadmin31Everyone involved in the ICT4D coursesubscribe
Readings & Discussionsadmin28A blog to discuss and comment on your assigned readings and anything else ICT4Dsubscribe
Smart Microloans (ISF)admin14The Smart Microloans project blogsubscribe
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