Architecting the back and front ends of the software

This document lays out the back-end of our program (it will be broken down into back-end workbooks, and the view for the bank (front end) will call up key components from those back-end workbooks).

Customer View for Bank Bank

Loan Applications Bank Responses

Update to the loan taken
- Should other banks see
what responses have
- allow rates to be determined by market forces
- if you give competitive information: no advantage to competing?
- They will know that you aren’t taking the loan: thus they’ll know they are charging too much

Customer Input (front end)
-customer ID
-customer name

Assets (workbook)
-customer ID
-income stream from asset?

IncomeSource (workbook)
-customer ID
-income source

Loan Application (workbook)
-customer ID
-loan ID
-why loan?
-references (has link to customer info of references)

Loan tracking (workbook)
-customer ID
-loan ID
-bank ID

Credit History (workbook)
-customer ID
-loan ID
-bank ID
-payment amount
-timely repayment tracking

Bank Response (workbook)
-loan ID
-bank ID
-bank rate

Bank Output (front end)