Hello all, my name is Fawah and I am a senior in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I am Cameroonian, and was born and lived there till I came to MIT in 2004. I hold my family and home very close to heart, and wish I could travel back more often. My technical background has highlights of Natural Language Processing in it, consisting mainly of undergraduate research projects in Computational Linguistics I have undertaken at CSAIL. Outside of my standard Course 6 curriculum, I am very involved with student life on campus, and I currently head the MIT African Students Association. I am also very committed to community service, and it is through the MIT Public Service Center, iCampus and a similar class to this one that I got to implement my first Education-focused ICT4D project in my hometown back in 2006. I have since been interested in harnessing the power of such technologies as we discuss in class for sustainable development. Other than this, I sustain a deep interest in diverse activities such as travel (I spent my junior year abroad in Cambridge University), experiencing new cultures and languages, photography and film-making (all at the amateur level), and community-building.