Hello World

Wow, what a week! We are definitely making some progress as a team, and we had a great team meeting on Sunday, as Elena detailed in her post. We also had three meetings with potential investors who had some good feedback about the idea, and they had some positive words to say as well as things to look into as a team.

I really like the idea of developing a rapid prototype and testing it, hopefully in brazil or in portuguese communities here in Boston. I think that this early feedback will be helpful in shaping a more intuitive user design. I am looking forward to getting back into css / html / design to work on the web side of the interface.

We still have a lot of work to do, but it looks like we are headed in the right direction. I am enjoying this class and really excited to be working with such a talented team.

Also, are any of you interested in going to the MobileCampBoston that the instructors sent out? I already registered, sounds like a useful and interesting conference.

- Joseph