Our goal is to have an end-to-end (though not feature-complete) implementation of our project by the end of this week. So far, we have the ability to:
1) Write a patient's ID to an RFID card,
2) Read the patient's ID from the RFID card,
3) Diagnose the patient (no pneumonia, mild pneumonia, or severe pneumonia).
All of this can be done on the Nokia 6131 NFC by way of a J2ME midlet. What remains to be done in order to have an end-to-end version is to get a GPRS connection to register the patient's diagnosis with a php script that will then take further action to alert the IRD-PATH folks if further patient contact is needed.
We're excited about the unique opportunity we have to practice iterative design. Traditionally, you meet with your client every 2 weeks or so and show them the current prototype in order to keep the design process true to the client's requirements. Because our clients are in Pakistan, we're iterating by way of e-mail - as soon as our prototype is complete, we'll send a .jar over e-mail to the engineers in Pakistan, which will run the application on their Nokia 6131 NFCs, and let us know how to proceed.