Mobile Camp Boston Event

There is a Mobile Camp Boston at E51 this Saturday.
The registration on the web site is full.
However, if you want to attend it, you may send a mail to
The detailed information is posted below.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
9:00AM to 5:00PM (registration starts at 8:30)
Building E51 (Tang Center)
70 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 15, because MobileCampBoston will be happening at the Tang Center (Building E51)-MIT. MobileCampBoston will be the place where area developers, companies, marketers and pundits will meet, discuss, and share ideas on all things mobile.
MobileCampBoston is an un-conference. Unlike a conventional conference where discussions and panels are arranged beforehand, MobileCampBoston lets everyone decide what will be discussed that day. You can expect to see discussions around:
- Mobile User Interface
- Location based solutions
- Mobile web design
- SMS integration with your web application
... and so much more.
For more information and updates, go to the MobileCampBoston website at <>.
To register, RSVP to