This past evening Katchy and I met for an hour and started to rewrite code--or rather re-think how we wanted to convert the use cases into code. Then we met up with Joseph, Kevin, and the core developers and founders. Sid (now a full-time Assured Labor developer) showed us how to make sequential diagrams that help us define exactly which and how many classes we need and which functions each class needs. Extremely helpful! We're going to make those sequential diagrams for each of our 5 or 6 use cases and then send them to Sid. Once we've all agreed on the classes and their functions, each person will have a class, probably, to make. We can then put them all together for a (hopefully) working prototype. In two weeks, we hope to have this basic functioning prototype, and we'll meet with the core developers again.
Since I have so little experience with this kind of programming, I found it very helpful to program *with* Katchy. Hopefully he'll want to do that again. First, I think I'll try to make those sequential diagrams and see if everyone else likes about them and what revisions they make. Then I'll see if Katchy wants to meet up with me again to program side by side and to help debug each other's code. Maybe Kevin will be able to join us as well. And Joseph!