We have our next presentation to the class this coming Tuesday. Our last presentation apparently didn't come across as well as it should have, even though we actually do have focus, and I should HOPE that the pre-spring break presentation will change a lot after we actually visit Malawi, because that was the whole point in visiting, to get a firsthand impression of our region of work and see what does and doesn't work in our initial plan. I feel like that's one of the whole points in taking an ICT4D class, to learn about how your initial ideas change in the context of the setting in which you'll be implementing the technology, the whole "use the appropriate technology" idea. And we are doing that just fine. In conclusion, I feel like our group got unfairly judged. Our sponsor organization, the Beehive school and our local contact Niall who teaches there, are very enthused about our project, so in terms of the comment about our presentation and making a "lasting impact on our sponsor organization", we are very well-supported by the Beehive school, and ultimately that is what matters the most.
Christina and I are working on the educational content of our project. GO TEAM!