This week we started turning the concept into reality by working with the webpages we had chosen and actually creating the programs we wanted. We did realize that it is not practical to try to make all the webpages culturally relevant. It is ideal so that the material is relevant and there isn't talk about planes, trains, surgeons, orthodontists, vacations to Cancun, and more (things that can make them feel inadequate and that the material is not applicable to them). However, due to time constraints and lack of anthropological experience, the group decided this was not in our best interest. There was a little mixup of communication with the instructors about our group dynamic, but some of our group members met with one of the instructors to clear things up. Now, we are working on grabbing all the websites with a Spyder, and finding more websites to include. It is now more feasible to include more webpages since we do not need to go through them. I still think that it would be better to change the websites, but it would be an inefficient use of our time, so it is the best decision.