Talking to Saira: Key Take Home Messages

I spoke to Saira today and we discussed some of the socials concerns that we should address as we come up with ways to socially implement the RFID system. Here are some key points:

  • Enrollment Concerns: Parents would like a good reason why their child should be wearing the special RFID bracelet--they don't want their child to stand out as "different" because they are participating in this study. (The fact that tabeez is commonly worn by people in Pakistan was one of the biggest reasons why that form factor was appealing.) Parents also want to make sure that the RFID tag will not have negative side effects on the child.

    What we can do about that:
    Have field workers wear some of these bracelets to prove that it's not harmful.
    Have health workers emphasize the greater goals of the pneumonia surveillance study.
    Emphasize the benefits of early detection and immediate response (as opposed to if the child didn't have the bracelet).

    *Verbally having someone explain bracelet features and the study's purpose is the best method for informing parents. Illustrations/videos are a good supplement, but they have limitations. Informing the health workers about as much of the RFID system as possible is vital, so that they can address concerns and answer questions.

  • Implementation Concerns: We want to make sure that physicians really know how to direct questions and handle potential problems appropriately (like if the bracelet breaks what should be done, or if the child gets a rash the physician should not simply toss the bracelet).

    What we can do about that:
    Give the physician basic general knowledge about the RFID bracelet, and let the doctor know to direct any further questions to the health workers.
    Have a phone number that the parent can call if they have any questions/comments/concerns about the RFID bracelet.