The java logic sends out SMS messages, receives responses, and
properly handles them, to the extent that it can when working with an
array of data rather than a database of data. I spent most of the
night working on that, so I'm going to polish a pset for a different
class before I integrate the database.
My Personal To Do:
install myPHP
create DB using Kevin's create_all_tables script
interact with it using Kevin's other scripts if possible
interact with it within Eclipse using Kevin's API functions
replace data arrays in my Java code with Kevin's API functions
write additional API functions if necessary
I would tell you to interact with the system as it is right now but
it's currently not running so that I can take care of some common
mistakes people will probably make when submitting responses!
Since I need to make sure my pset due today is indeed complete, I will
let you know this evening/tomorrow when I've gotten as far as I can
with the to-do list above and have gotten stuck. Or I'll tell you that
I *didn't* get stuck and that you can text it whenever you want. You
can even tell me what kind of fantasy jobs you'd like alerts about!
You know, maybe it's the sleep deprivation, but this aspect of EECS is
starting to grow on me! :-)