We discussed earlier our solution for helping CRS India with their data collection needs during disasters and during other times. We decided upon two main interfaces for the system: a web interface which could be used to enter form data and view submitted data, and a mobile interface. For our initial prototypes, we've been focusing on entering, not viewing, data on the mobile platform.
I'm responsible for the system's web interface and back-end. Students as we are, both Saajan and I have mostly had experience with open-source development tools, since they are free. In our initial discussions, we assumed we'd be developing the back-end in PHP and MySQL.
More after the jump (including a flashy diagram!).
However, after talking with CRS India, we learned that they were a 100% Microsoft shop. In order for us to create a sustainable solution for them, we would have to develop our back-end around the Microsoft SQL Server database engine and Microsoft's ASP.NET web service platform.
I've been trying to learn .NET recently, but I have not been able to learn enough to get to the point at which I develop productively in .NET. The deadline for prototypes is approaching (as Saajan is leaving for India soon), and I don't have much code in .NET. So, for this week's presentation and Saajan's trip to India, I'm going to whip up a prototype in PHP. When time is less important, we can move the code over to ASP.NET.
Stay tuned for some screenshots!