Cool! I think Justin's got connections because he told us we're going to be on the MIT homepage and then voila! our project was on it. THE LINK:
It leads to here:
Also apparently a group in Mexico wants to bring the K-Box there, Paul talked to them after the presentations last week. I think Christina had like 2 other D-Lab classes this semester in addition to ICT4D, that's pretty bad-ass.
We're going to do a final report/video combo for our last assignment. It's been a busy week since our presentation last week in terms of other classes, but I feel like our project really made a difference to a part of the world this semester, so i'm glad I took the class. It was kind of just a random decision, in February I was just like, I should get involved in some international development stuff. Inter'l development can lead to so many different opportunities, glad I finally caught on in my last semester of MIT....
I don't know what the opportunities are for alums to stay involved with D-Lab classes or in our case the BeeHive school, but it should definitely be possible to stay in touch with BeeHive at least. I'm going to UCSB for grad school in the fall I need to find out what kind of funding they have or projects they work on with international development issues.