I can't believe it's Wednesday! Ack. I got set up to program in Java last week. I think one hurdle is that... I don't know Java. That seems like it could be a problem, but by pattern-matching with the example code we've been given and looking at material on the internet, I should be fine. Fawah also said she'd be available to help; she's in a Java course this term, in fact. I'm sure what I'm trying to do is simple enough that she'll know how to help me. Luis will be away next week. This could be a problem! I'll go to his office hours tomorrow at 5 PM. Perhaps by then I can make a hell of a lot of progress on my Java app.
To Do tonight:
Activate our phone
Install the GSM modem on my laptop
Test it by following the instructions on ict4dlab.org
Finish my part of the group write-up
To Do (longer term):
talk to the group about our presentation
set a time for a run-through this weekend
see if we can get Luis's feedback on Monday
Okay, off to our dinner meeting with all of Assured Labor's founders, marketing consultants, etc.!