Luis's gentle but stern comments on the very rushed paper report gave us all a shot in the arm.
I have never known to visit campus on my otherwise campus free Mondays, I did, our quorum was complete precisely at a minute before 6pm. Quickly discussed what could get in for the demo, what is more important for the on site demo at New Delhi and possibly Muzaffarpur and what would be ideal for the presentation on Thursday. CRS India would benefit most from a complete mobile handset APP that had the complete fillable form as described in the CRS presentation. This could be a great vehicle to elicit very relevant and pointed feedback from the boots-on-the-ground users of the partner organizations. The end-to-end solution from Mobile to MS SQL would be ideal for the presentation but we would most likely be able to at least get a not-so-beautiful looking PHP interface at the back end with a Java front end on the Mobile. Saajan, Banke and myself went through a very quick but productive brainstorming session on the list of questions for the CRS management, Partner Organization volunteers, Mobile network reps and IT folks at CRS and elsewhere. My wordy presentation will be condensed and pictorialized by Nick when he gets a chance. Tuesday group meeting will be trying to get the demo to go from mobile to PHP server. Thoughts about Saajan role-playing as if Logan Airport was the disaster site (on his way to India) and him logging a report from Logan to Nick's PHP server were bandied about as well.