This seminar is a half-semester-long, reading-centric introduction to qualitative research. Over a five week period, we will meet twice-weekly to explore the terms, concepts, issues, and assumptions surrounding qualitative inquiry – historical and theoretical orientation, specific methodological approaches, data collection and analysis strategies, and validity/reliability considerations.
As a member of the seminar, you are expected to:
participate in the sessions
In addition to completing the readings and participating in discussions, we will take turns facilitating the seminar sessions. You will have an opportunity to lead one of the sessions, to help the group explore the session’s theme or topic. You can bring new questions to discuss, identify additional resources for clarification, or organize an activity – whatever you would like to try out to support and extend our understandings. -
contribute to the class site
One of the goals of the seminar is to create and collect resources that we can access for thinking about and talking about qualitative research. You can contribute to this in two ways through the class site. First, you can add your questions and comments to the seminar updates. This will help others in the seminar get a sense of the issues and ideas that you are connecting with. Second, you can add and tag resources (e.g. books, articles, web sites) to share with others in the site’s resource library. -
write a final paper
You will write a short (4-6 page) paper that explores some aspect of qualitative research as it connects to your interests. You could provide a critique of existing research, propose a research design for your work, or explore a particular approach more deeply.
Grading will be based one-half on preparation and participation in the seminar sessions, one-quarter on contributions through questions and resources to the class site, and one-quarter on the final paper.
Meeting TimesWe will meet Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:00pm in E15-135 (Cube Conference Room). This is a half-semester course - the first session is February 5 and the final session is March 9.
UnitsThis seminar is offered for 6 H-level units.
InstructorsKaren Brennan (kbrennan at media)
Mitchel Resnick (mres at media) - Faculty supervisor