Final Project Assignment
Due Dates
COUHES forms: ASAP, no later than Friday, November 12
Project Proposal: Tuesday, November 16
Project Presentation: Tuesday, December 7
Paper Due: Thursday, December 9 at 5:00pm
For the final project, you should explore a specific tool or community in depth. The project will consist of a project proposal presentation, a final project presentation, and a final paper. Both presentations should be between 5 and 8 minutes in length. Papers should be approximately 4 pages in the ACM format. Templates are available at, under HCI Archive Format.
You are very welcome (in fact encouraged) to work in groups. Your project should take one of three following forms:
1. Tool or kit design
You should design a tool or toolkit that enables others to build things. The primary contribution of this project will be the design and construction of a prototype tool or kit which you will present on December 7.
- Your proposal presentation should: clearly define the tool or kit you are designing, identify the audience for the tool, and present your plan for development.
- Your final presentation should focus on a demonstration of the tool or kit and a discussion of your design and implementation process.
- The paper should include a short literature review that places your contribution in the context of similar tools, a reflection on the audience your tool is designed for, an articulation of the purpose of the tool, and a description of its design.
2. Community investigation
Investigate a creative community to illuminate some aspect of the relationship between tools and communities. You could use publicly available data (ie: contributions to forums or galleries on the scratch, ravelry or instructables websites) and/or you could conduct your own data collection (ie: surveying a group of students from a local high school). The primary contribution of this project will be written documentation of your investigation and discoveries. NOTE: you may need COUHES approval to undertake this project if you plan to use it in your research. More information on COUHES here:
- Your proposal presentation should: define what you hope to learn from your investigation and explain why this is important, identify the community you are investigating, and present your study methodology.
- Your final presentation should focus on a discussion of what you learned from your investigation and how you learned it.
- Your paper should include a short literature review that details similar efforts, a description of your study methodology, and a discussion of your findings.
3. Community engagement
Design and teach a workshop that helps an underserved community (ie: not MIT or Harvard students) learn a new technological skill. Document your experience with photos, written reflections, and/or video. The primary contribution of this project will be written documentation of your workshop. NOTE: you will need COUHES approval to undertake this project if you plan to use it in your research. More information on COUHES here:
- Your proposal presentation should: clearly define what you will be teaching, identify the community you will be working with, and present your plan for the workshop.
- Your final presentation should focus on a discussion of the workshop and what you and your students learned from it.
- Your paper should include a short literature review that details similar efforts, a description of your workshop, and a discussion of what you and your students learned in the course of the experience.
3. Community engagement: What is a “technological skill”?
Technological was intended to mean electronic and/or computational, but if you have a particular project in mind, let’s discuss.