Fabric PCB Assignment, Part 1
On Wednesday, February 24, we will have a special class session to introduce you to the laser cutter and microcontroller programming. We will meet in 548 (the high-low tech lab) in small groups for one hour at a time. To prepare for class, do the following:
1. Install the AVR toolchail on your laptop and bring your laptop to class.
Mac: CrossPack
Windows: WinAVR
2. Signup for one of the one hour time slots below.
Laser Cutter Tutorial Sessions
Wednesday, February 24 1-2pm
1. Dawn Wendell
2. Elly Jessop
3. Sarah Bates
4. Kristin Berry
5. Felecia Davis
Wednesday, February 24 2-3pm
2. James Leng
3. Brad Crane
4. Angela Chang
5. Yang Yang
Wednesday, February 24 3-4pm
1. Tiffany Yee
2. Amy LeMessurier
3. Nadia Cheng
4. Rizal Muslimin
5. Ellan Spero
Wednesday, February 24 4-5pm
1. Madeleine Elish
2. Xiao Xiao
3. Edwina Portocarrero
4. Sarah Witt