A Shirt that Senses Through Vibration
This shirt is part of a system to make clothing that can help a person sense location and space by using piezo buzzers. It's still not working yet....
O.K. So the shirt blew up last night. The tiny a_13 last night, took too much voltage, there was a big pop noise, a few singes remain on the fabric but will try this again. Really want to see it working...again..
(The power used to make the piezos vibrate enough is 9 volts, but we use a voltage regulator to step down the voltage for the Tina A -13 that we used for processing. The project also has a transitor that directs the flow of current on the shirt. ) Drawings are below.
Lessons Learned:
When soldering seemingly microscopic bits, 'tin' them first.
Keep the regulator on your soldering iron really low 40 or 50.
Maybe switch microcontrollers for what is required.
Retest the voltage amount for what we want

Some Non Wovens
These are really simple fabrics, but they sound like leaves when the trees have leaves. When you move them they sound like summer.
Ironed Flat Plastic Ribbons

Curly Plastic