Some Experiments
Sparkle Blue Yarn
Full Scale Photos & ------------------------------------- Microscopic Photos

This yarn is purple roving and plastic sparkle strips there is no conductivity or other function, it's just pretty!
2 ply
2 turns per inch to 4-5 turns per inch
No Conductivity
Aluminum Yarn_Surprise Conductive_Non Conductive Yarn

This yarn was made with aluminum "roving" or shavings, that were as light and had almost the same staple lenght as wool roving. This yarn is somtimes conductive and sometimes not. If it is pulled tight you can get conductivity, otherwise if it is measured while limp, there is an incosistent conductivity.
2 Ply
Twist is Counterclockwise
6-7 turns per inch
The whole 13" piece of yarn measured 5 M Ohms when pulled tight.
Sisal Twist with Aluminum and Copper Metals

Was not sure what to expect with this yarn. It has copper and aluminum "roving" feathered into it, but not continuously so this means the yarn is highly conductive where there are clumps of metal and not at all where there are few to no fibers of metals.
1 Ply
2 twists per inch
Twist is Counterclockwise
The conductivity is highly irregular. Meter jumps up and down when you try to measure.
Flax and Steel Conductive Thread _A Conductive Yarn

This yarn is made of two thin threads spun together one flax and the other conductive steel coated thread. The conductivity of the thread is preserved here because the conductive thread winds around the outside of the flax thread. Info:
4 Ply yarn
Final Twist is Counterclockwise
18 - 25 Turns per Inch
The whole 10" piece of yarn had 9.2MOhms
Blue Wool, Flax and Conductive Thread_Insulating Yarn

This yarn is made of three kinds of threads, wool roving, yellow flax thread and steel conductive threads. This was actually easier to spin than just plain roving because the threads tended to guide and controll the shape of the roving while spinning. The conductive thread is wrapped inside the wool, so the wool acts as an insulator to the conductige thread.
2 Ply yarn
Twist is Counterclockwise
4-5 turns/inch
No Ohms measured outside
Plastic and Conductive Thread Yarn
This yarn was made with two strands of plastic and one strand of steel coated conductive thread. It was twisted together so that the conductive thread was insulated inside the plastic strands. However it unfurled very fast, but one could certainly fuse together the strand every so often ensuring it would stay together.

1 Ply
Twist is Counterclockwise
3-4 Turns per inch
Ohms of conductive thread: