Pressure Sensitive Curtain

This is a mock up for a pressure sensitive curtain, that is envisioned at a larger scale the scale of a room divider at 10 feet. . The curtain has been made in two ways as an experiment. . A preliminary way the curtain was envisioned was as separate units and the velostat was heat sealed into pockets, sensors were placed into the pleated pockets. Slots at the top of each pocket would have to be cut so that the circut can be made. Also if, it was envisioned that if the units were pushed apart the apart the circuit would be broken.

The second way, that was explored further is a single sheet of velostat that carries the charge across the neoprene bend sensors located in the folds of a pleated velostat sheet.

The single folded velostat experiment is turned on by tieing a bow connecting the positive side of the battery to the first bend/pressure sensor. The attached led light ups when it is bent or compressed. When the curtain is open or unfolded the led is off.

Here is a mock up of the curtain as pocket units.

And this is the single sheet velostat curtain unfolded, untied. Went with this one for this week.

A preliminary sketch multiunits.

Single folded velostat sheet.

Bend/Pressure Sensor This is made like Hannah's bend sensor with resistive thread on either side of the velostat pleat.

Here is a circuit drawing of the curtain