The Hyperbolic-Paraboloidesque Silicone Lamp
The exploration was an attempt to 'give shape' to an otherwise completely malleable material by using it in conjunction with a slender but rigid armature. The result is a lamp fixture where the silicone canopy / light is given a hyperbolic paraboloid form (and powered) by its acrylic stand.

The Silicone Mold, made of laser cut acrylic.

Laser-cut conductive fabric, which will be cast into the silicone.

Soldering surface mound diodes to the conductive fabric.

The component parts for the lamp stand, made of laser cut acrylic, spray painted white.

The finished stand. The battery is the central emblem.

Just after pouring the (white) silicone into the mold. Tabs are left open at the edges of the surface so contacts can be made there to the lamp stand.

Close-up of casting, with SMDs embedded.

Aluminum foil is applied to the bottom edge of one of the lamp stand arms, so it can carry current from the 2 sides of the battery to the edge of the surface.

Initial test success with alligator clips.

Close up of SMDs embedded in silicone.

Finished Lamp

Close up.

In the dark.