I / O Gloves
Encoding hand movement configuration

This is a rough attempt of utilizing gloves as the context for the conductive textile. I chose glove to explore hand movement in order to get as much touch configuration one can have with their fingertips. This fingertip touch combination then can be translated into various types of I/O signals –light, sound, binary data, and movement-- for further computational operation.

Here, the fingertips simply act as a switch to turn on/off the LED in two types of movements: two LED on the back of the hand for touches on the baby and ring fingertip [grey], and one LED on the middle finger for the touches between index and middle finger [pink]. Battery holder is placed at the palm side. When the thumb touches the middle and/or ring fingertips, the green / red LED will turn on, while the touches of index and middle finger will turn on the orange LED.