It is worth noting on Subject 4 that his range is signal is much higher than the other subjects in this study. This subject is younger and heavier than the other subjects, but it is also worth noting that the room in which the study was conducted was significantly warmer than any other experimental setting in this study. The data for Subject 4 was collected continuously throughout the evening, but was only videotaped for the last hour, so we address here only events for which there is synchronous data as "Events" There is some speculation for another interesting moment though, as seen below.
In Event 1, Subject 4 has is exactly at the moment of completing his first kill of a new boss. Since EDA is frequently slightly delayed, the peak is likely the experience of anticipating finishing the fight. The subject reported that he had not been particularly concerned about completing this fight, as the real learning and challenge for his group had come on the previous two attempts to kill this same boss.
In Event 2, the subject has discovered that, immediately before trying to doing the next fight, he did not have an essential piece of technology updated in order to engage a particular mechanic. He then rushes around trying to both remember how to download the update and then where to install the update. He reported that this was not a big deal, but he did feel rushed.
Here Subject 4 successfully engaged the mechanic described in Event 2. He said it felt good to "see something new" and do it successfully.
In the section of the graph labeled, "Boss Fight?," the subject and I conjecture that this was roughly in sync with the completion of an earlier boss, which the subject was less certain his team could conquer. He reported that he was much more nervous and under stress during this fight than the fight completed in Event 2.
It is interesting that the section labeled "General Discussion" is still the highest peak on the subject's EDA graph. A former student of the experimenter, this peak was during the small talk that occurred before the subject's raid. During this discussion, we talked about the subject's courses for the coming semester and other small matters.
It is worth further noting that the subject's interview graph is more or less flat. During this discussion, the subject and I had a wide-ranging discussion that frequently called upon our expertise and our fondness for this game. There are very few noteworthy peaks or troughs of any kind in the data.