Activity for November 29: Final Project Outline Feedback

For this week, we're asking you to provide feedback on two other project outlines. Find your name in the list and provide feedback to the two people following you. (E.g. David provides feedback to Jason and Stephen. Gaia provides feedback to Sofia and David.) Leave your feedback on the outlines from last week, available at

  • David Sengeh
  • Jason Haas
  • Stephen Bresnick
  • Jennifer Jacobs
  • Micah Eckhardt
  • Vanessa Gennarelli
  • Hannah Krakauer
  • Misha Sra
  • Gracie Elqura
  • J. Nathan Matias
  • Chris Mosier
  • Bridget Binstock
  • Derek Ham
  • Eyal Shahar
  • Tiffany Tseng
  • Zachary Kaiser
  • Stacy Rush
  • Gaia Carini
  • Sofia Rebeca Berinstein

Final Project Timeline:

  • Nov 29: Feedback on others' outlines due
  • Dec 13: Project presentations
  • Dec 13: Project papers due (10 pages)