Crafting Material Interfaces

Conductors Research

Metal-filled Polymers and Conductive Adhesives

What are Metal-filled Polymers and why are they used? The term polymer sometimes refer to plastics, but also encompasses a large class comprising of both natural and synthetic materials. Some natural materials are: shellac, amber, natural rubber and cellulose.

Carbon Nanotubes

    By Dena Molnar, Daekwon Park, Jill Sherman

Conducting Polymers Blog Post (Fawn, Oz, Timothee)

Click the images.

Conductive Elastomers

Group research by Sara Hendren, Sam Jacoby, & Woong Ki Sung I. Introduction. “Elastomers,” from the combined terms “elastic” and “polymer,” encompass a broad range of rubber and rubber-like materials, with conductive particles embedded inside—making them conductive composites. Since they’re highly mold-able and naturally highly resistant, elastomers are widely used for their insulating or dissipative [...]

Conductive Ink (silver based)

By: Shan Gao, Jeremy Roc Jih, and Adedoyin Ogunniyi   Conductive ink is a rising technology that is making circuitry available to a larger audience than the traditional method.  The ink can be inserted into a standard roller-ball pen which is highly available, cheap, and precise.  This pen can then be used to write on paper.  Paper is [...]