Everything, EverySensor
by noclew
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The first sensor was a foil sensor. Although it was the basic try, it was really interesting to see it work in front of me.
Next, Thin conducive films was inserted in a felt pocket.
Once I succeeded in testing simple sensor, I started to try raw material as sensor. As the first raw material, I cut cardboard and painted its backside with conducive ink.
The Interesting point was that I realize that every raw material can be used in conducive sensor as long as I can modify it with conducive additives.
It was also surprising that water itself can act as good conducive sensor. For me, this made me to think about every material as a sensor, and its further applications.
From here, I tested almost every food that I have in my kitchen. Egg plant as a sensor. Cheese as a sensor, Curry as a sensor, and Kimchi as a sensor. This is really fascinating in that I can interact with almost everything by making it a sensor.
Of course, even altoids.