New Textiles 2011


Interweave Computerized Braiding Machine

Probably one of the most inefficient methods of braiding yet conceived, this machine uses a two-axis computer-controlled gantry to rearrange up to eight yarn bobbins – one at a time- with the goal of creating novel yarns. The aim is to gain flexibility at the price of speed.

Plarn with a (Woolen) Twist

Looking to find a second life for some of my trash, I was inspired by the many sustainable craft blogs that are out there, and wanted to try making my own yarn out of plastic bags, or plarn, as it is affectionately called.  However, there were two key features of the plarn that made it [...]

Judy’s shining yarn

I’m interested in traditional weaving combined with the modern technology. I initially wanted to make a luminous yarn. However after long time try I found that using optical fibers could only produce shining points. So up to now I create a shining yarn instead. It can be used in art works or decorations for the [...]

Plug-in Yarn

During the spinning class with Kanjun, I experimented with spinning different fibers such as cotton, hemp, bamboo and aluminum. Over the weekend, while doing research for my thesis, I became inspired by Archigram’s plug-in work ( i.e. Plug-in Capsule Home, Montreal Tower, Plug-in City, University Node, Gasket Homes and Plug-in Clip) and I created a [...]

Plied conductive yarn

This yarn is a 2 ply copper and wool blend. The plies were produced by spinning roving into yarn on a traditional drop spindle. The goal was to produce yarn that maintained a natural aesthetic, while allowing for a degree of conductivity. The conductive properties enable the yarn to be used in circuit dependent applications.

Braided Ribbon Cable

A very convenient way to connect two separate electrical pieces is with a ribbon cable. The typical ribbon cable that I’ve run into is gray and very boring. It consists of many wires laid out side by side and then bonded together to make a flat strip. I decided to try and make my own [...]

Albert’s Gilded Organic Yarns

I never understood the age-old fascination with alchemy until I gilded my first organic yarn.  The smell was noxious, the gold coloring was everywhere and by the end of the afternoon, I had transformed 3 beautiful organic fibers into something gleaming to the eyes but slimy to the touch and an assault on the nose.

AllumiYarn: Conductive Aluminum Yarn

I have always been interested in the history of weaving. It is such an old, amazing technique used by women all over the word to make fibers into fabric. Last monday I was inspired by our workshop and am really enjoying the process of spinning. It feels magical and also meditative.

E = mc2 (Optical Conductive yarn)

The idea behind this was to have 2 channels of energy going through yarn: light and electricity. The Conductive Optical yarn was created using macrame knotting techniques. The insulation is a mixture of  wool, hemp and burnt bamboo handspun into a 2 ply strand. The photos taken under the microscope show these different materials before [...]

Yarn Assignment