Plied conductive yarn

by denamolnar

Foreground: Plied copper and wool yarn; Background: 100% Conductive yarn

For this project, I produced 2 yarns, one with 100% conductivity, and the other, less so due to the use of blended fibers.  The final yarn (forground) is a 2 ply copper and wool blend. The plies were produced by spinning roving into yarn on a traditional drop spindle. The goal was to produce yarn that maintained a natural aesthetic, while allowing for a degree of conductivity. The conductive properties enable the yarn to be used in circuit dependent applications.

Yarn Specifications:

Ply- 2 ply; Diameter- 2000-4000 micrometeres; length- 2 yards; twist direction- S; turns per inch- 2; fiber length (copper)- 3000 micrometers; fiber length (wool)- 6000 micrometers.