September 4, 2013
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- First class. Welcome and introduction of Tangible Interfaces course (by Hiroshi Ishii)
- Lecture: Vision-Driven Research: Seamless Media Design (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides
- Videos: Apple Knowledge Navigator, World Builder, Seamless Media Design
- Online Sign-up Sheet (Google Form) for selection of students
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September 11, 2013
- Announcement of Project 0: COLLABORATIVE IDEATION
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- Introduction of Visual Thinking (by Hiroshi Ishii)
- Lecture: Sketching, Ideation and Sharing (by Austin Lee)
- Workshop 1: Sketching/Storyboarding (by Austin Lee)
- Lecture: Introduction of TUI #1 (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides
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September 18, 2013
- Presentation of Project 0: COLLABORATIVE IDEATION including Self Introduction (by each student using Pecha-Kucha format to manage time)
September 25, 2013
- Announcement of Project 1: 3D TANGIBLE + 2D SURFACE
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- Lecture: Introduction of TUI #2 (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides
- Workshop 2: Physical prototyping (paper, foam, clay, objects, introduction to Arduino) (by Xiao Xiao & Sputniko) ▶ prototyping_slides, prototyping_process_slides
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October 2, 2013
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- 2nd Project Assignment: B.O.S. (Body.Object.Space) – Design of the Reconfigured Space for Multi-User Interactions with Digital/Physical Objects in 2D/3D Architectural Spaces (by Xiao Xiao) ▶body object space slides
- Brain-storming/sketching session
- Hiroshi absent (UIST 2012)
- Readings: Seamless Media Design, Affordances of Media Spaces for Collaboration
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October 9, 2013
- Hiroshi is absent (UIST 2014)
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- Guest Lecture by Dr. James Patten ▶slides
- Workshop 3: Arduino/Processing, Cinder, openFrameworks (by Daniel Leithinger and Sam Luescher) ▶ Sam’s slides on prototyping for HCI (Software) / ▶ Daniel’s slides on prototyping Interactive Physical Interfaces
- Short discussion on B.O.S. readings
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October 16, 2013
- Presentation of Project 1: 3D TANGIBLE + 2D SURFACE
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- Lecture: Introduction of TUI #3 (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides
- Discussion among students and Tangible Interfaces staff on TUI and BOS
- Group working session, feedback on student projects from staff
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October 23, 2013
- No Class because of Member’s Week
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- Presentation of the 2nd Project B.O.S. by students and critique session by all students in groups
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October 30, 2013
- Hiroshi is absent (Tokyo Designer’s Week)
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- Radical Atoms and Sublimation (Phase Transition) (by Hiroshi Ishii, David Lakatos, Daniel, Sean) ▶ Daniel’s slides on Shape Displays
- Final (3rd) Project Assignment: “Application & Interaction Design for Radical Atoms with Rapid Sublimation”
- Sci-Fi as a vehicle for envisioning the future of HCI
- Make sure to read RadicalAtoms_ACM_Interactios before class
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November 6, 2013 (Tokyo)
- Hiroshi is absent (Japan)
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- Guest Lecture (Gian Pangaro, Design Director @ IDEO)
- Guest Lecture (David Rose) —
Ambient: design principles for staying in the perceptual periphery - Reading and Discussion #3
- Hiroshi is absent (Saudi Arabia)
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November 13, 2013
- Announcement of Project 2: PROGRAMMABLE MATERIAlLITY
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- Due to the day before Thanksgiving Holiday, we’re making this class “informal”.
- Open office at Tangible Media Group space (E14-348) from 2–5pm. Feel free to swing by and discuss projects.
- Hiroshi is absent (Japan)
- No class meeting in 5-134.
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November 20, 2013
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- Final Project Progress Review
- Guest Lecture (David Rose) —
Metaphors for interaction design: terminals, animism, prosthetics, or enchantment - Work Session (discuss projects, technical questions among group and TAs)
- Hiroshi is absent (Japan)
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November 27, 2013
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- Final Project Progress Review (be ready to present an update on your project)
- Future of HCI (by Hiroshi Ishii) “Defy Gravity: Beyond Tangible Bits, Toward Radical Atoms” ▶ slides of Ishii’s talk
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December 4, 2013
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- Final Project Presentation by the groups of students and critique session by all students in groups
- Review and Photo shooting ▶
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December 11, 2013 (Final Project Presentation)
- Presentation of Project 2: PROGRAMMABLE MATERIALITY