Paola Mariselli | Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | MS2

★★★★ Design
★★★ Programming
★ Fabrication & Craft
★ Electronics

What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
Breadcrumb Manager App – An iOS, mobile-first experience meant to complement two of Groupon’s existing products to provide restaurant and bar managers with real-time information about their venue while on-the-go.

What’s the most frustrating object you’ve used?
There are many objects that frustrate me (i.e. doors that do not have clear affordances, every time my power cord falls off my desk, hard to reach fan buttons), but one of the most frustrating ones for me are flimsy paper plates.

What do you personally hope to get out of this class?
I find the idea of users being able to interact with the digital using a medium they are already so familiar with – as is the physical – quite fascinating. I am excited about the prospect of meeting students with differing expertise and working together to come up with projects that are – to borrow Professor Ishii’s term – transdisciplinary in nature.

How can you contribute to the class?
I will contribute to the class my experience and passion for design as well as my interdisciplinary background. I am a Product Designer focused on mobile. However, my background is on business and marketing, and I used to work on Wall Street. Now, I am studying Computer Science, doing research in Human-Computer Interaction, and taking art classes. I believe my unique background could be an asset to my peers and our projects.