[Assignment 6]
- Finish the breakfast rendering project. Use professional breakfast photographs to evaluate the quality of your work and try to improve it as much as possible.
- Design a simple hybrid: a support structure to hold or connect with a simple organic element (leaf, branch, banana, beads). Your design can be simple, but need to respect the organic object. 3D print it using Form 1.
I wanted to build a structure to support human hair, or in other words, a "hair accessory"! I am really inspired by how we can easily sort hair into bigger "strands" or smaller "strands" by our hands. In this "hair structure" I designed, there are multi-layered loops which alternate sizes, so a strand of hair will slipt into sub-strands, and also change the size of its circumference. Well, er, it was a bit difficult to model it with my recently cut hair, but you get the point. 🙂
- For the final presentation of the first module, prepare a 6min presentation (no more than 6 slides).
[Assignment 5]
- Re-render the house (same perspective as last week) but this time apply color and materials. Justify your decisions according to last week's discussion about colors.
One of my favorite artists is the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. She is a cool old lady who does these crazy poka dot prints on everything! I would totally want to live in a poka dot house!
Here is my rendered poka dot house, with a Halloween theme to it... It looks much better than the rendering last week..
- Design your breakfast scene, apply materials and render with VRay using 600x1000 frame size. Don't change the default lighting and/or camera setting (this will wait for next week!). Justify your rendering using our readings (2D composition, color, etc).
What I have on my mind ALL THE TIME are the delicious soup buns (aka, xiao lung bao) from Din Tai Fung! Next time I get back to Taiwan I will be eating them for all 3 meals.
This inspired me to do a breakfast scene composed of a bamboo steamer of xiao lung bao, along with a cup of tea. Yummy! However I found it very challenging to get the folds on the xiao lung bao to look realistic. The folds in reality look soft yet defined. This is something I should improve.
[Assignment 4]
- Switch your design files of the house (.3dm) with your pair, and briefly share your styling intentions. For next week, style the work of your friend based on her/his instructions. Share initial sketches / ideas between you during the week. Render the final results with VRay, using default setting (including a ground plate). Upload only 2 views to the website.
Inspired by the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama (top), I wanted to make a poka dot house! It is however a bit difficult to see the details...
- You have $50 budget for Shapeways Nylon12 order. Based on this link, design a moving-parts object with 3 directions of motion, using one of the techniques that we discussed in class. If you choose to design a flexible manifold or a string, please include more than one “atom” design, and include at least 20 atoms. Use your account only for evaluating cost and file quality only (don't order yourself). Share your STL file with me by Friday.
I wanted to make a massage stick for my shoulders! I have been looking for these everywhere but could not find one. This was a good opportunity for me to explore 3D printing joints and also getting something I needed!
[Assignment 3]
- Continue this initial wire-frame shape to a watertight solid using only solids and boolean operations. If needed, add more curves for guidance
- Continue this initial wire-frame shape to a watertight solid using only surface operations.
- For both of these designs, export STL files (default setting) and upload them to Shapeways, Solid-Concepts and i.Materialize, to receive quotes for Nylon12 SLS model (“white strong and flexible” or "Polyamide”). Write the costs as part of the assignment submission
shapeways: $24.30 (solid), $12.55(surface)
i.materialize: needs review
solid concepts: needs review
- Based on this drawing by Liz Peyton, create a 3D model of the house. Please complete the missing pieces, to design a full 3D Rhino model. Ignore the trees. Render it with default Rhino rendering from 3 viewpoints.
[Assignment 2]
1. Using your 3D splines object from the previous assignment, build surfaces to create a watertight solid object. Put extra attention to connectivity and edges (we don’t like open edges!). Work with layers and explore the different display modes.
I added surfaces to the curves I made last time. Yet I had trouble connecting the handle with the cup body. And for some reason, many of the edges are not watertight! I tried to connect but could not wrap my head around it.... I feel I need some of Amit's brainpower to get this resolved...
2. Design and build a press-fit paper box (use thin paper not cardboard) using surfaces, including details such openings, drawers, handles and so on. Put attention to the physical connectivity between surfaces, with no use of a glue. Write few sentences on your design decision, integrity and style of the details with respect to the design, and cite relevant references from the previous readings. Share initial sketches if you have any, and explain the design process. + 3. Show a default rendering of your box.
I wanted to make a wedding cake-like box -- one with more than one layers. I started out with a rendering to get a "3D sense" of where I should start.
For the next step, I first made some sketches, and though about how to design the connections. In the end, I decided to split the box into 3 type of components: (1) the top & bottom squares (red), (2) the front & back sides (green), and (3) the left&right sides.
Then I went back to Rhino and "flatted" out the 3D box into the 3 components. I added slits and connecting joints for press-fitting.
yay! the actual "cake-box"!
[Assignment 1]
1. Based on these readings, choose two designs and prepare a critique on both. You can choose any example you wish, including from the list of designers in the Resources page.
Polinesia, The Sky. Henri Matisse.
Matisses' cut outs leverage several concepts of the Wong reading. Here, we see a harmonious repetition of light blue and dark blue rectangular palettes in the background. The foreground is composed of several varying shapes, yet the share similar qualities: they are all form stretched or squeezed in many directions. This underlying similarity creates a sense of playfulness that does not go into messiness. The formal structure of the background also forms a steady stage for the dynamic foreground cutouts. Also note the white color of the foreground distinguishes it from the background blue elegantly.
La camera di Vincent ad Arles, Vincent van Gogh
Van Gogh's painting is composed with a radiating line converging near the center of the picture, pulling us to the window , small desk and nearby chair at first sight. However, our eye then quickly goes to chair on the front left, and the bed on the right. The furnitures form a Triangular Armature, giving the painting a sense of balance.
The background (wall, windows) is in a colder color, differeing from warm foregroud. The cleaner shapes of the paintings also contrasts from the "messier" foreground of furniture.
2. Choose three objects of your preference and build their outlines (projection, extract, mesh outline or else). Present at least three compositions in Rhino for the arrangement of these objects in 2D space, and briefly articulate your design decisions with reference to Roberts reading.
This is a triangle, with the tall vase on the left forming 2 angles, and the 2 smaller object on the right forming the remaining angle. The complexity, yet smaller size of objects on the right balances off the large size of the vase.
This is the Cruciform. The large vase servers as the horizontal, intersecting with the 2 bowl - which serve as the verticals. The objects were slightly rotated into different angles for means of balance and to add dynamic to the composition.
This is the "O" shape. The eye is lead from the lower left in a counter-clock wise direction around the composition.
3. Keep the same perspective as earlier, but replace the three outlines with three simple abstract shapes of your own design. Articulate your design decisions with reference to Wong reading.
Contrast in shape. Leverages different shapes to create balance.
Contrast in Size, similarity in shape (all 4-sides shapes), and similarity in direction (all shapes "point" to the left).
4. Choose 3D product of your preference (shoe; clock; glasses; car; stereo system) and model it with splines 3D. Use the Osnap tool and add dimensions on the drawing.
I created 3D splines for a mug that will incorporate a set of sensors and electronics.