<<Second Module: Readings + Project>>
Jícara project
Presentation on Readings
Industrial Design Reader selected texts here.
Some nice conceptual drawings: http://www.officekgdvs.com/
<<First Module Final Assignment>>
Breakfast Rendering: Pan dulce con un jarrito de cafe
Hybrid Design Project: Traditional jícara carving
Using only solid functions:
Using only surface functions:
<<ASSIGNMENT 2: 3d composition >>
Design and build a press-fit paper box (use thin paper not cardboard) using surfaces, including details such openings, drawers, handles and so on. Put attention to the physical connectivity between surfaces, with no use of a glue. Write few sentences on your design decision, integrity and style of the details with respect to the design, and cite relevant references from the previous readings. Share initial sketches if you have any, and explain the design process.
I started off the assignment thinking about how to tuck in edges and connect them.
This edge would be slid into a slit in the interior.
Here I started to think about the design and shape. I was interested in the shape of a triangular polyhedron. So I experimented from there. My boyfriend helped during the conceptualizing and designing process. The functionality of a drawer was intriguing, so I chose to pursue that idea, converting it into a pencil case.
A cleaner conceptual drawing below:
My challenge: use the entire sheet of paper without creating any scraps. So I played around with paper to try and understand the medium and the challenge. Here is what I came up with:
Outer shell:
2d plan of the paper foldings. This was just a rough estimation. I chose to scan this image and use some of the base triangles to start drawing in rhino.
After some struggle, I managed to get a more precise plan of the angles.
Here is the plan for the outer shell:
Plan for the inner shell:
Rhino 3d rendering:
Final cutout:
<< ASSIGNMENT 1: 2d composition >>
Part 1
Based on these readings, choose two designs and prepare a critique on both.
This is a design by Charley Harper, an American illustrator and designer.
The plane has been divided into three sections horizontally to create structure, while a series of triangles create vertically pierce the horizontal plane to contrast and create drama, as explained by the Roberts text on armatures.
The diagonals lead the viewer through the image and keep her from following the watermelon off the page, since its placement is very close to the bottom edge and may lead her off the image plane.
The diagonals and tri-partition create a hierarchy in viewing the image; the moon and the shape and placement of the watermelon leads the viewer to the raccoon, which is fun and playful. Lastly, the black background creates contrast and builds a cruciform figure around the main objects in the image.
The second image is also by Charley Harper and is called "Jumbrella."
I chose this image to demonstrate the techniques on the superimposition of repetition structures. Here, the two large elephants are superimposed onto each other to create a sense of space, while a similar, smaller elephant mirrors the larger elephant in the foreground.
The repetitive nature of the diagonal lines competes with the animals and draws the viewer back and forth from the lines and the elephants, engaging the viewer through the contrast.
Acting as a negative form, the grey elephants take up most of the black ("occupied") plane.
Part 2a
Choose three objects of your preference and build their outlines (projection, extract, mesh outline or else). Present at least three compositions in Rhino for the arrangement of these objects in 2D space, and briefly articulate your design decisions with reference to Roberts reading.
Here I was thinking about a cruciform composition. This feels ordered and neat because every object seems neatly in a corner-- everything has its own place. The image plane encompassing the objects complements this feeling of arranged order.
This was a portrait of the objects; all of them are placed directly in the middle of the plane. The guitar and house are vertical, while the coat hanger provides an interesting contrast with its diagonals, which keeps the eye moving along in different directions.
Here I had in mind the fulcrum composition. The guitar is balanced by the coat hanger and the house on the other side of the plane.
Part 2b
Keep the same perspective as earlier, but replace the three outlines with three simple abstract shapes of your own design. Articulate your design decisions with reference to Wong reading.
Similar circular shapes, identified as "unit forms" in Wong's text, are placed in opposite corners.
Here, the repetition of the rectangular shape and its vertical arrangement (placed above each other) evokes the various pattern structures mentioned in Wong's text.
Part 3
Choose 3D product of your preference (shoe; clock; glasses; car; stereo system) and model it with splines in 3D. Use the Osnap tool and add dimensions on the drawing.