Aubrey Colter

I’m a Master’s student in CSAIL focusing in HCI and UI/UX design. I work on MIT App Inventor. For my thesis, I’m focusing on usability. I like building things that are beautiful and fun to use.

My specialty is coding! I work in Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and Android. I have some familiarity with MATLAB and iOS: Swift.

I’m really looking forward to this class. Shoot me an email to say hello:

Fun fact: I’m conversationally fluent in Spanish and Japanese. これから宜しくお願いします。


★☆☆☆Fabrication & Craft
★★☆☆ Design
★☆☆☆ Electronics
★★★★ Programming
☆☆☆☆ Biology
☆☆☆☆ Chemistry