FALL 2008 Class Information:

Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30-12:00, 36-155
Recitations: Fridays, E15-235, 11:00-12:00
Textbook: Pattern Classification by Duda, Hart, and Stork, with other readings

Staff | Announcements | Assignments| Syllabus | Policies


Prof. Rosalind W. Picard
Office: E15-448
Office hours: Wednesdays 4-5 pm and by appointment.
Phone: 617-253-0611
picard ( @ media dot mit dot edu)

Teaching Assistants:

Hyungil Ahn
Office: E15-450
Office hours: Thursday 4-5 pm and by appointment.
Phone: 617-253-8628
hiahn ( @ media dot mit dot edu)

Dawei Shen
Office: E15-491
Office hours: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30pm and by appointment.
Phone: 617-253-0112
dawei ( @ media dot mit dot edu)

Support Staff:

Mr. Daniel Bender
Office: E15-443f
Phone: 617-253-0369
danielb ( @ media dot mit dot edu)


Staff | Announcements | Assignments| Syllabus | Policies

W 9-3 First day of class. (Visitors welcome, although class size is limited to 20.)

The first recitation will be held Friday Sep 5, providing an overview for those who would like help with MATLAB, probability, or the first problem set. This class has traditionally made heavy use of MATLAB. Here is a MATLAB Tutorial you may find helpful. You might also enjoy this short insightful (optional) piece on nuances in the use of probability by Media Lab graduate Tom Minka, Ph.D.

There is a useful website for the text, which includes not only ppt slides for the chapters, but also errata for each edition of the text. Please correct the errors in your text now to save you time later when you are reading and trying to understand.

The IAPR Pattern Recognition Education Resources web site was initiated by the Internation Association for Pattern Recognition ( The goal was a web site that can support students, researchers and staff. Of course, advances in pattern recognition and its subfields means that developing the site will be a never-ending process. What resources does the IAPR Education web site have? The most important resources are for students, researchers and educators. These include lists with URLs to: - Tutorials and surveys - Explanatory text - Online demos - Datasets - Book lists - Free code - Course notes - Lecture slides - Course reading lists - Coursework/homework - A list of course web pages at many universities

PROJECTS Here is the 2008 Class Projects Page.

OLD EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS Here are the 2002 Class Projects Page, the 2004 Class Projects Page, and the 2006 Class Projects Page.


Staff | Announcements | Assignments| Syllabus | Policies

Note: Future assignments, beyond what has been stated in class, are predictions: they are subject to revision, with each revision a more accurate prediction than the one before. "If you must predict, predict often." -- Prof. Paul Samuelson, 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics

W 9-3 Lecture 1 Introduction, Reading: DHS Chap 1, A.1-A.2

Problem Set 1 (due M 9-15)
Dataset for Problem 4 (2x200 array, 200 points in 2-dim space, each column denotes a sample point (x,y))
Monty Hall Demo

F 9-5 Recitation 1 Matlab Introduction

M 9-8 Lecture 2 Reading: DHS Chap A.2-A.5

W 9-10 Lecture 3 Reading: DHS Chap 2.1-2.4 (can skip 2.3.1, 2.3.2)

F 9-12 Recitation 2

M 9-15 Lecture 4 Reading: DHS Chap 2.5-2.7

Problem Set 2 (due W 9-24)
Dataset for Problem 6

W 9-17 Lecture 5 Reading: DHS Chap 2.8.3, 2.9, 2.11
Reading: Independence Diagrams, Thomas P. Minka, 1998.

F 9-19 Recitation 3

M 9-22 Student Holiday, No Classes

W 9-24 Lecture 6 Inference on Bayes Nets and Dynamic Bayes Nets, guest lecture from Dr. Rana el Kaliouby
Reading: Introduction to Graphical Models and Bayesian Networks, Kevin Murphy, 1998.
(DBN Lecture PDF slides)

Problem Set 3 (due M 10-6)
Four Datasets for Problem 1 (dataset1.txt dataset2.txt dataset3.txt dataset4.txt)
Matlab Code for Problem 2 (conditional_dep.m)
Matlab Code for Problem 2 (graph_draw.m)
Matlab Codes for Problem 4 (generate_sample_dbn.m learning_dbn.m inference_dbn.m)

Kevin Murphy's Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
Tutorial Pages for this Toolbox: 1.General Usage 2. DBN Usage

F 9-26 Recitation 4

M 9-29 Lecture 7 DHS 3.1-3.5.1

W 10-1 Lecture 8 DHS 3.7.1-.3, 3.8

Additional optional reading: M. Turk and A. Pentland (1991). "Eigenfaces for recognition". Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 3 (1): 71-86.

Additional optional reading: Peter N. Belhumeur, Joao~ P. Hespanha, and David J. Kriegman (1997). "Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition Using Class Specific Linear Projection". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 19, No. 7, July 1997.

F 10-3 Recitation 5

M 10-6 Lecture 9 HMMs, reading: A Tutorial On Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition, L.R. Rabiner, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 77 No 2, Feb. 1989.; optional extra reading: DHS 3.10 (beware, as DHS uses non-standard notation in this section).

Problem Set 4 (due W 10-15)
Dataset for Problem 3
A tutorial document that helps you understand some mathematics behind HMM algorithms
Solution to Problem4-1
Solution to Problem4-2
Solution to Problem4-3

W 10-8 Lecture 10 HMMs, same reading.

F 10-10 Recitation 6

M 10-13 No Classes, Columbus Day Holiday

W 10-15 Lecture 11 DHS 2.10 and 3.9, Missing Data and Expectation Maximization

Midterm, 2006 Fall

Problem Set 5a (due W 11-5)
Dataset for Problem 2
Solutions (Revision due W 11-12)

F 10-17 Recitation 7

M 10-20 Lecture 12 DHS 10.2-10.4.3 Mixture densities, K-means clustering, Quiz review

W 10-22 MIDTERM QUIZ, Covers PS1-4 and L1-L10

F 10-24 Recitation 8

M 10-27 Lecture 13 DHS 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.6-10.10 Clustering

W 10-29 CLASS CANCELLED. Media Lab Sponsor Events

F 10-31 Recitation 9

M 11-3 Lecture 14, Provided Data for Projects Ready

Presentations on project data available, Optional Readings (short and very interesting articles to discuss with your friends, given Election Day coming)
"Election Selection: Are we using the worst voting procedure?" Science News, Nov 2 2002.
Range voting: Best way to select a leader?

W 11-5 Lecture 15, Project Plans Due if you're using your own data DHS 4.1-4.6.1, Nonparametric density estimation, Parzen windows and k-nn estimation, K-nn classifier, metrics; DHS 5.1-5.5.1 and 5.8.1 Linear Discriminants.

Problem Set 5b (due F 11-14)
Solutions (Revision due W 11-19)

F 11-7 Recitation 10

M 11-10 No Classes; Veteran's Day Holiday, MAS students and faculty attend Crit Day

W 11-12 Lecture 16, All Project Plans Due DHS 6.1-6.6 and 6.8, Multilayer Neural Networks

No more problem sets: focus on your project now

F 11-14 Recitation 11

M 11-17 Lecture 17 Feature Selection,
webpage shown in class:
DHS reading: Entropy/Mutual information A.7, Decision Trees, 8.1-8.4

W 11-19 Lecture 18 5.11 SVM, 9.1-9.2.1 No free lunch, 9.2.3-9.2.5 MDL, Occam; 9.3 Bias and Variance, 9.5 Bagging, Boosting, Active Learning, 9.6 Estimating and Comparing Classifiers, 9.7 Classifier Combination

F 11-21 Recitation 12

M 11-24 Lecture 19 Project Progress Presentations/ Critique Day/ Attendance counts toward grade today

W 11-26 Lecture 20 Project Progress Presentations/ Critique Day/ Attendance counts toward grade today

F 11-28 No Recitation, Thanksgiving Vacation

M 12-1 Lecture 21 Reinforcement Learning, guest lecturer: Hyungil Ahn

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton and Barto
Reinforcement Learning by Dayan

W 12-3 Lecture 22 Kalman Filtering, guest lecturer: Dawei Shen

F 12-5 Recitation 13 Project help session

M 12-8 Project Presentations: Attendance counts toward grade today.

W 12-10 Project Presentations, Last Day of Class: Attendance counts toward grade today.


Staff | Announcements | Assignments| Syllabus | Policies

Fall 2008 Syllabus: (subject to adjustment)

Intro to pattern recognition, feature detection, classification

Review of probability theory, conditional probability and Bayes rule

Random vectors, expectation, correlation, covariance

Review of linear algebra, linear transformations

Decision theory, ROC curves, Likelihood ratio test

Linear and quadratic discriminants, Fisher discriminant

Sufficient statistics, coping with missing or noisy features

Template-based recognition, feature extraction

Eigenvector and Fisher Linear Discriminant analysis

Training methods, Maximum likelihood and Bayesian parameter estimation

Linear discriminant/Perceptron learning, optimization by gradient descent

Support Vector Machines

K-Nearest-Neighbor classification

Non-parametric classification, density estimation, Parzen estimation

Unsupervised learning, clustering, vector quantization, K-means

Mixture modeling, Expectation-Maximization

Hidden Markov models, Viterbi algorithm, Baum-Welch algorithm

Bayesian networks

Decision trees, Multi-layer Perceptrons

Optional possible end of term topics:

Combination of multiple classifiers "Committee Machines"

Reinforcement Learning and Affective Decision-Making

Genetic algorithms

Kalman filtering

Case studies in pattern recognition


Staff | Announcements | Assignments | Syllabus | Policies


30% Homework/Mini-projects, due every 1-2 weeks up until 3 weeks before the end of the term. These will involve both programming (Matlab) and non-programming assignments.

New homework submission and grading policy:

On the day when the homework is due, bring the best efforts you have made and submit your homework in class. Please photocopy your homework before submission. At the end of the class, you will receive the homework solution. You are given the second opportunity to refine your work after learning the solution. Submit your second homework by the recitation time on Friday at the latest. If you wish to submit it earlier, you can directly bring it to TAs' offices. You final homework grade will be the average of the two scores you get. Directly copying answers from the solution sheet is definitely unacceptable. Again, learning and understanding course materials is far more important than getting a revised score.

30% Project with approximate due dates:

25% Midterm Quiz: W 10-22 (Drop Date is W 11-19)

15% Your presence and interaction in lectures (especially your presence during the two days of project critiques and two days of final project presentations, which is 10%), in recitation, and with the staff outside the classroom.

Late Policy:

Assignments are due by the start of class on the due date. If you are late, you will get a zero on the assignment. However, the lowest assignment grade will be dropped in computing the final grade.

Collaboration/Academic Honesty:

The goal of the assignments is to help you learn, not to see how many points you can get. Grades in graduate school do not matter as much as in undergraduate: what you learn matters. Thus, if you stumble across old course material with similar-looking problems, please try not to look at their solutions, but rather work the problem(s) yourself. Start early, and don't be disappointed if you get stuck when you try to do it solo; that frustrating experience can lead to greater inquiry and effective learning. Please feel free to come to the staff for help, and also to collaborate on the problems and projects with each other. Collaboration should be at the "whiteboard" level: discuss ideas, techniques, even details - but write your answers independently. This includes writing Matlab code independently, and not copying code or solutions from each other or from similar problems from previous years. If you are caught violating this policy (and we have caught people in the past) it will result in an automatic F for the assignment AND may result in an F for your grade for the class as well as a strong reprimand from the department. (This has happened to people before - it is not an empty threat.) If you team up on the final project (teams of two are encouraged), then you may submit one report which includes a jointly written and signed statement of who did what.

The midterm will be closed-book, but we will allow a cheat sheet.

Course feedback:

The staff welcomes your comments on the course at any time. There is an anonymous service for providing feedback . Please feel free to send us comments -- in the past, we have obtained helpful remarks that allow us to make improvements mid-course. We want to maximize the value of this course for everyone and welcome your input, positive or negative.


Attendance is especially important for this class on project critique days and on final project presentation days. These are important for learning practical issues that the book/lectures do not delve into. Attendance on these four days will contribute 10% to your final grade.