By May 8, we would like to have a concrete idea and if possible, even some visual examples and finalized written drafts, of the following things. Below each of the groups of people involved in IRD, we've listed how we plan to accomplish those goals. These are subject to change, since we'll be talking to Saira (our HR contact on-site in Karachi), and discussing which of these will actually work and what would be the least disruptive and most effective way to socially install the technology.
For the IRD scientists & engineers:
- • Technological & social explanation of the system.
- Our proposal, diagrams, a video of our presentation and video demo of how to use the cell phone technology.
For the physicians:
- • Reminders to look out for the bracelet and how to direct people with questions.
- Illustrated posters and a brochure.
For the IRD health-workers:
- • An addendum to the consent form, which includes the issues involved with the RFID tag (the purpose of the study, plus the potential risks and causes, and benefits)
- Written draft of the consent form.
- • A description of the bracelet features and overall system so that they can emphasize important points and answer any questions parents may have about the RFID technology.
- Illustrated brochures, which can be used to explain the study to the parents, and videos of how the technology will be used.
For the parents:
- • An explanation of bracelet features
- To be done verbally by IRD health-workers.
- • Reminders to tell doctors about their child's RFID bracelet
- Illustrated information cards included in care packages, posters in clinics.
Conclusions from today's meeting
-Physicians' instruction sheets
protocol/ workflow, cellphone 101, important phone nos
-Vacciantion clinic workers' instruction sheets
sales pitch, legal matters, bracelet care, checklist of items to be explained
-Parents' index cards- pictorial instructions for bracelet care, important phone nos