Getting rolling

We have started getting together and functioning as a well oiled group. We had a few discussions on how to do and what to do. We have concluded that nothing can elicit more reaction than a mock up of the mobile application that would enable a form style entry of disaster information. We are leaning towards me going over during Spring break time to shake out the requirements and meet with all the primary stakeholders including the boots that meet the ground when disaster strikes. We will be most likely talking to CRS India folks Wednesday evening EST, more info after that meeting. We have to get to final deployment before July 2008 which is when the monsoon hits. Banke will be working on the survey design and who all we want to talk to. Nick and Saajan are our primary technologists and are currently evaluating Java/PHP/ HTTP vs SMS options and even a potential FAX solution when all else fails.


The useful phone call to CRS India

After the conference call with CRS India, it was clear that the requirements were far better known than previously assumed. They are a .NET house and want to stay that way as far as possible. Our team is of the opinion that it will be wise to stay Java on the Mobile. It was also clear that one of our Java experts needed to look at the situation first hand. Saajan is going to do just that, I have an HTC Mogul smartphone (Windows Mobile 6 based). A Java application to enter data into the forms on this platform and showing the resulting code for maintainability will most likely have the best chance of convincing them to agree to our current thinking. We need to still define the agenda as to what needs to be achieved when Saajan is out there. Between Banke's survey work and oour team meeting over the next few weeks, we hope to define that much better