Someone came up after our presentation today and informed us about IMEID's - "International Mobile Equipment IDs". Apparently, regardless of the SIM card used, every cell phone has a unique identifier which the server can request of it at any time. Here's some more info:
This means that the strategy we had in mind for preserving anonymity (after all others seemed infeasible) of suggesting that users throw out their SIM cards after uploading incendiary data will not work. The users would have to throw out the whole phone, which might be economically infeasible.
So back to square one with anonymity. It may be necessary to rely on phone-based encryption, which definitely stands out in a crowd. Perhaps we can figure out some mechanism for using steganography to hide incriminating media in non-incriminating.
what freedom house sayas about Bolivia (2006)
"Freedom of the press remains compromised by inadequate legal guarantees. The constitution provides for freedom of speech and of the press, but Bolivia's penal code stipulates that journalists can be jailed for one month to two years if found guilty of slandering, insulting, or defaming public officials. When the infractions involve the president, vice president, or a minister, the sentence may be doubled. In a significant advance, a new Freedom of Information law was enacted in March. The decree mandates that public institutions must respond to information requests within a maximum of 15 days. Whether or not public institutions will comply with the new law remains an open question, especially after a journalist was denied access to information on a corruption case in the department of Tarija by the Presidential Anticorruption Delegation"
The MEID is different to
The MEID is different to what I told you after the presentation.
You may refer to IMEI info on Wikipedia for detailed info.
Normally, a surveillance system is a mandatory requirement in law. Therefore, as long as a mobile phone is registered on mobile network, mobile operators can have mobile phone(IMEI), SIM card(IMSI), and location info(CellID) right away.
You may try to find that is there any China "black brand" mobile phone available in the country. The "black brand" uses MediaTek's chip and OS and the lowest hardware cost is around $30 USD, and it can be assembled by training people. You may consider to identify whether "black brand" phones are available in the country or not.
Even it's available, be sure to warn the user that use it in crowd and far away from their home.
Good luck.