Due: Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For this assignment you will work in teams to create an artifact that includes a fabric PCB. The artifact should include an ATtiny13 microcontroller, at least two outputs and at least one digital (switch) input. A picture of the circuit that I made is below. You can use this circuit as a starting point, but you should not just turn in an identical copy. You should modify my circuit in some way and/or incorporate it into a larger project by, for example, sewing it into a garment.

Teams for this assignment are listed below. With your team you should create a page on this site that documents your project and add your project link to this page. Your page should include pictures, including at least one close up of your PCB and one image that shows the entire project, and a paragraph about your experience. Also create a short video of your project in action. Post the video online (vimeo, youtube, your own site) and include a link to your video in your documentation page.

Bring your project to class on March 3 for demonstrations.

You may work in the High-Low Tech lab during open lab hours. Lab hours for the week are posted below.


Team 1: Angela (anjchang@mit.edu), Yang Yang (yang2@mit.edu), Nadia (ncheng@mit.edu), Rizal (rizal@mit.edu)

Team 2: Brad (bcrane@gsd.harvard.edu), Sarah W. (witt@mit.edu), Madeleine (mcelish@mit.edu)

Team 3: Elly (ejessop@mit.edu), Felecia (fad@mit.edu), Dawn (dawn@mit.edu), Tiffany (tiffy@mit.edu)

Team 4: Xiao Xiao (xiaosquared@gmail.com), Kristin (kree@mit.edu), Ellan (efs8@mit.edu)

Team 5: Edwina (edwina@media.mit.edu), Amy (a_lemess@mit.edu), James (james.leng@gmail.com), Sarah B. (swbates@mit.edu)

Lab hours for this week

Friday February 26: 3-6pm
Monday March 1: 1-6pm
Tuesday March 2: 1-6pm