Raised Diamond Knit
by N.Tari
by Nicole Tariverdian
I encountered a couple of issues using the kitting machine. After overcoming the problems using the machine became fast and gratifying. Initially I was dropping stitches after trying to bring needles back into the knitting from hold. This problem was overcome but using my hand to pull on the knitting that was gapping under the needle bed. After completing the pattern, I decided to experiment by putting different sets of needles into hold at various times with different amount of rows knitted. I found that I could create raised patterns in the kitting by putting different numbers of needles into hold for specific numbers of knitted rows. The final pattern I decided to used created raised diamonds in the knit. Before casting off, my know got stuck in the carriage of the machine. Leah helped me to open the carriage to release the strip. The piece was slightly unraveled. I took it off the hooks to crochet the ends.
Cast on 20 needles and kit 10 rows. Bring the two center needles into position D (hold) knit 4 rows. Bring these two needles back into the knit position and knit two row. Now skip one needle, on each side of the center two, and push the next two on each side into hold (four needles into hold total). Knit 4 rows. Bring these needles back into the knit position and knit 2 rows. Skip the next needle out from the center and bring the following two needles into hold. Knit 4 rows. Bring these 4 needles back to knit position and knit 2 rows.
Starting with the same 4 needles (on the outside) bring two out to hold and repeat the same pattern working back to the center two needles.