Project Description:
The goal of our project, Constellation, is to demonstrate an interface that motivates and guides collaborative motion. Collaborative motion covers a cornucopia of activities from cooking, to dancing, to swimming, to yoga. We focus specifically on dance, and particularly flash mobs, as an application ripe for our interface. We examined the natural behavior of swarms, nature’s collaborative motion, and looked to the natural cues of motion in animals such as bees and ants as the basis of our prototype. We developed a system that tracks the synchronization of movement among proximal users. As more users move limbs in sync, the corresponding movement indicators (LEDs) become increasingly brighter. This approach creates an incentive based reward system to encourage users to move in synchronized (e.g. in a flash mob), and also creates an artistic effect that enhances the overall aesthetic experience.
Prototype States
Prototype Development
Example Scenario
Group Members
Shawn Conrad
Research, Stop Motion Video, Material Logistics
Lauren Kim
Research, Stop Motion Video [image editing], Presentation
Jacqueline Kory
Research, Stop Motion Video [music, compilation]
Adina Roth
Research, Stop Motion Video [photography], Prototype [fabrication, hardware], Presentation
Jonathan Speiser
Research, Stop Motion Video, Prototype [programming, electronics]
Final PDF: Assignment 2_constellation
Have you seen those LED wristbands at recent Coldplay concerts? (
As far as I can tell, they just flash them kind-of in sync via a broadcast system. Your ideas of synchronizing dancers’ movements could make those performances so much cooler!