Title: PersonaBench
PersonaBench Extended Abstract
Description: We explore the design of socially dynamic furniture, which adapts its form to maximize interaction in public spaces. Often, individuals in today’s public spaces are increasingly isolated by their technological devices. MP3 players, smartphones and tablets, erect social barriers that inhibit interpersonal interactions. By rewarding and promoting emergent cooperative behavior, our furniture is architected to foster and catalyze connections between people.
Final presentation: PersonaBench
Stop-motion video: http://youtu.be/1NtT74SaQh8
Shawn Conrad
Research, Presentation, Happy/sad bench storyboard, Abstract
Lauren Kim
Research, Presentation, Stop motion video [photoshop], Bench fabrication, Abstract
Jacqueline Kory:
Research, Presentation, Stop motion video [compilation, music], View bench storyboard, Abstract
Adina Roth
Research, Presentation, Stop motion video [photoshop], Bench fabrication, Abstract
Jonathan Speiser
Research, Presentation, Bench fabrication, Abstract