PURSeus is a bag that has the ability to change size, shape, material, split into multiple bags, automatically deliver items, and understand the user’s schedule and needs. These features eliminate the need for users to have several bags for a variety of uses because PURSeus can understand its contents and transform itself into an all-purpose bag. The theoretical material that forms PURSeus can be extended for use as any type of smart container the user requires.

PURSeus Presentation

PURSeus (CHI-Formatted Paper)

Jason Gao – Physical prototyping, presentation, ideation
Anjali Muralidhar – Physical prototyping, video presentation, presentation, ideation
Samvaran Sharma – MATLAB-based voice recognition, prototyping, ideation
Henry Skupniewicz – Physical prototyping, ideation
Helena Hayoun Won – Video presentation, presentation, ideation

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About zacharybarryte

Zachary Barrytehttp://web.mit.edu/zbarryte/www/
MIT CMS/6.3, undergraduate researcher assisting Tangible Media Group / BS 2013

I have been drawing and painting from a young age. I also enjoy knitting and crocheting, especially gloves. I typically do not work from patterns, which is why I feel that I have more experience fabricating than designing. I've undertaken small wearable electronic projects and would like to undertake more of them. I feel very comfortable coding and I am confident I would be able to pick up any new language I would need fairly quickly.

My work on t(ether) has made me become more interested in creating multi-user interfaces that allow users to create art through collaboration. I am especially interested in the applications of collaboration to animation. I would like to continue extending the the t(ether) system, and I would also like to explore how physical animation (stop-motion) can borrow ideas from digital animation (like key-framing). I would also like to see how t(ether) could be augmented by adding virtual or physical tools, like a paint-brush that could be used to paint the objects.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.
