


In a current scenario of video communication, the shared working space between the participants are physically detached. This discontinuity leads to many inconvenience and problematics, one of them is how to point or indicate physical objects between the remote participants. We were inspired by the phenomena that light can penetrate from one side of a glass and illuminate objects from the other side. In this case, penetrating light becomes a medium that facilitates a better communication.



For this assignment, we sought to re-create such experience in a remote communication scenario and demonstrate a vision of “light can travel through virtual world and reach out to the physical one”. In our system, user in video communication takes a flash light and points to any position on the screen. this 2-D coordination will be captured and transmitted to the remote side. A projector simulates a light beam on the same coordination. By doing so, participants are able to intuitively pointing and annotating contents in physical world.



The metaphor of penetrating light can be also applied to other scenarios. We envisioned two potential applications.

1. Urp++

as a remote version of a previous project from Tangible Media Group, Urp, Urp++ allows user to use a phicon as light source to synchronize the environment light within the two workbenches. When the light source changes its position, the simulated shadow from both sides will response the the correct position. User can also pass the light source to each other remotely. (see the sketch below)


2. X-ray

In this application, the simulated light beam can not only point on the remote physical object, but also reveal some hidden information inside or behind this object. The simulated light becomes an X-ray.



synchroLight Video



Jifei Ou - Ideation, Presentation, Physical Prototyping

Sheng Kai Tang - Ideation, Presentation, Software Prototyping

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About sophiachang

Sophia Chang – website N/A
Harvard GSD / MArchI 6th Semester

Art is something I pursue as a personal interest through painting, drawing, and music composition. Most of my formalized experience of making comes from manual design/making of furniture, but, I have also worked with the breadth of CNC tools available at the GSD to create architectural models. I have been studying architecture for 7 years. I am comfortable in Rhino, CAD and Adobe software as well as some animating using 3dsMax. I have also worked in various offices from corporate to young and experimental where I have helped to design on the scale from towers to room/facade sized interactive installations. For some of these installations, as well as installations for courses, I have customized C# scripts to respond to movement and sound. I have never created a C# script from scratch. I am comfortable in grasshopper.

For my thesis, I am exploring issues having to do with how architectural space can react to changes in perception, lifestyle, and knowledge created by digital space. Because the course situates itself between the digital and physical realm, I am immediately drawn to it as a possible means to experiment, and a place where I can contribute through my research. As one idea, I could potentially explore the creation of a research environment which organizes information in relation to the body's position in space. Not sure if this is the project, but my main interest is in digital becoming spatial rather than merely object or device.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.
