
Slides PDF: Perovich_presentationFinal

Movement-based ideation can be difficult to capture since motion is fleeting and experiential.  IdeasInMotion is a system that supports dance choreographers developing routines by helping them collect their ideas, restructure the moves into a routine, experience the new choreography, and share the results with remote collaborators.  The system consists of sensors and haptic feedback devices in clothing that are used to document, re-experience, and share motion, paired with a computer-based interface for sorting and re-structuring the moves.  The sensors document the choreographer’s movements as he brainstorms and a board collects the data and wireless sends it to the computer where it is intelligently divided into segments.  Using the computer interface, the choreographer can rearrange the moves to create a new combination.  He can then experience the resulting routine through haptic feedback in the clothing.  Once he’s please with the result, he uses the computer interface to create a mirror image of the routine that represents the follower’s experience.  He sends this to his dance partner so she can learn the routine “naturally” by touch–as she would if they were collaborating in person.

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About jonathanspeiser

Jonathan Speiser – website N/A
MIT Media Lab, Viral Spaces / MS1

I have considerable experience with Python and Java programming. I have also some experience working with C. I have made some small scale electronics projects for fun (e.g. a simple electric toy car). I am currently learning the Arduino platform to create more sophisticated projects and explore ideas.

I eager to learn and I am motivated by the idea of creating more intuitive, physical interfaces that improve user experience. I am interested in the areas of health care and communication and my hope is the class will serve as an inspiration to spur my creativity in these domains.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.
