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Joined on: May 7th, 2013


Christian Ervin
Harvard GSD, Responsive Environments and Artifacts Lab / MDesS Technology 2013

I am an MDesS student at the GSD concentrating in Technology. My background is in architecture (B.Arch Rice University), with side interests in music performance and computer science. I have experience with C#, Processing, Rhino/Grasshopper, basic electronics, Arduino, web design, and digital fabrication. I love making novel interfaces for the body, and I have mentored student projects in this vein at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard. Last year, with a partner, I created a house design interface using the contortions of the face as the sole input device, using computer vision and face feature detection specifically: I am very interested in interface design and its applications in architecture. I hope there is room for me in the class, I am really looking forward to taking it.

The subject matter of this class is highly aligned with my thesis topic: prosthetic technologies that serve as an interface between the human body and the built environment. The history of technology is a history of opportunistic augmentations of the body’s capacity to perceive and act in space. I am exploring the future of a more explicitly augmented body via technological prostheses, and how we might begin to view architectural objects themselves as prosthetic interfaces. Professor Ishii is a recognized expert in this field, and I am hoping his ideas will help shape my work. My intention is that the three projects contribute to the body of work that I present in my thesis.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.
