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Joined on: May 9th, 2013


Rob Hemsley
MIT Media Lab, Information Ecology Group / MS2

My background is in Computer Science and Software Engineering and so the majority of my skills are within technical areas. Having worked as a commercial developer I have strong programming abilities covering desktop, web & mobile development. I also have experience with rapid prototyping and fabrication from CAD design and modeling to the physical manufacture of prototypes. This includes working with electronics and the production and design of PCBs. In terms of work within the areas of art & architecture I currently have little experience but hope that this class will enable me to start taking a more creative and less technically orientated approach within my work.

Having come from a technical background I wish to take this class in order to have the opportunity to develop my creative skills and focus on projects which which are led by a vision rather than technology as I have done in the past. As a studio based class I'm also interested in being able to work with other from a variety of backgrounds having the chance to combine my development skills with others to build a variety of prototypes. I feel this class will give me the opportunity to develop many new skills helping to improve my concept development and produce more compelling project ideas. Within the class I’m interested in exploring how we can better mediate interaction between our digital and non digital objects and items with a specific focus on how the actions within our online environment are presented and mirrored within the physical world. I have undertaken previous work within this area using augmented reality and computer vision and so would like to explore this further within the class.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.


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