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Joined on: May 9th, 2013


Harvard GSD / MArch I, Thesis Year

I am a MArch I graduate student at the GSD with a BFA in Graphic Design from Rhode Island School of Design. In terms of professional experience, prior to the GSD, I worked at Smart Design and Frog working on projects that ranged from products, branding and digital media. In terms of digital media, my projects ranged from desktop applications to mobile devices and touch interfaces working closely with Analysts, Developers and Researchers as well as Product Designers and Engineers. In addition, I am currently a part time designer at IDEO Boston working as a [Digital] Graphic Designer and Environments Designer. My professional experience in Design Thinking has allowed me to utilize my skills in my architecture and design projects. I am proficient in Adobe CS, Rhino / VRay, AutoCad, Digital Fabrication and handmade crafts. I have very basic understanding of Arduino, Kinect and Programming.

As a Masters of Architecture student, with a formal background in Graphic Design and professional experience in GUIs, I have always been interested in the melding of the two; the experience of movement though the digital / pixel environment and the spatial, tactile storytelling world of the built environment. This interest is now turning into my thesis topic which is focusing on the haptic interaction of "wearable architecture", with a specific interest in responsiveness of the body through technology, craft, material, and culture. The class Tangible Interfaces is exactly what I'm looking for as part of my thesis research curricula and I plan on utilizing my learnings from this course as a foundation for my final thesis for Spring of 2013. In addition, I have extensive experience in design and architecture, but less so in engineering and programming. I appreciate how this course allows people to connect with different backgrounds and hope that through its collaborate nature, I can learn through experimentation and prototyping in fields I normally am not exposed to.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.
