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Jesse Austin-Breneman

Website: http://web.mit.edu/jlab/www
Joined on: May 9th, 2013
Jesse Austin-Breneman – http://web.mit.edu/jlab/www
MIT Mechanical Engineering, Ideation Lab / PhD2
I am proficient at electronics and programming due to my undergraduate education in Ocean Engineering here at MIT. I am currently a design research graduate student in the Mechanical Engineering department. Most of my experience however, has been through working on my own projects. I do a lot of woodworking at the Hobby shop and have experience with almost all types of machining and metal work. My current project is a children's book on typeface called "Are you my typeface?"
I am starting a research project exploring the differences in design process and outcomes between electronic design notebooks and paper design notebooks. I want to take this class to identify the best user interfaces and opportunities for improvements in the electronic design notebook space. In comparing the two methods I hope to gain a better understanding of how team dynamics and collaboration change when information can be shared in new ways. As a secondary focus, I am also interested in applications that help you learn how to sketch. For example, a tablet app that lets you practice and improve your perspective drawing by giving you feedback on your drawing (ie: line did not go towards the vanishing point, etc.).
DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.
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